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Friday, September 23, 2011

Education: going away from in America

Can you believe that the literacy rate of our nation's capital is less than the literacy rate of a developing country's average city? Take any city randomly and compare it with Washington DC. You will know our position in the world. One third of the population in Washington DC is illiterate.

We have the same problem in every state.  Only one fourth of the population has a college degree. Most of them are students from foreign countries. Even most of our colleges prefer foreign students. They go around the world in search of students as if we don’t have people in our country. Why don’t they search within the US? We got more than 300 million people in our country. But we can’t blame the colleges and universities. The problem is not in them, the problem is in us. We don’t give importance to our studies. We allow foreigners to overtake us. They come here to get education. Some of them get back to their country and some of them get a job and work here as our boss. Education is important for any individual as well as the country.

We also lack in understanding mathematics and science compared to others around the world. This is a problem of our education system. We need a change in the education system. That can be done by government. We need to learn a lot from other countries as well. I have been to 32 countries and learned many things, in which we are lacking in.

The parents have the duty to educate their children. Don't blame the government for everything. And don't allow children's to decide everything on their own. They should be the decision maker for their life but you should help them in deciding the right thing for their life. Tell them the pro and cons of every step.

We are proud of many organizations in our country as we got organizations leading the world. From business organizations like Microsoft, IBM etc to other organizations like NASA. But do you know that most of the people in all those organizations are from foreign countries.

Another reason for these problems is that we give more importance for entertainment and don’t care about our future. But the last recession cleared its importance. Think about yourself and your future. Take some time to think. Thinking doesn't mean to think while watching TV or while working somewhere. It means be free and alone. You can do it in your room or go to any park, sit and start thinking in fresh air.

We Americans are losing many things in which others are becoming masters. I hope to build a better America.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Brother and Sister

Many people don’t give importance to their brothers and sisters. They don’t respect them and don’t mingle with them. I see many people who even don’t care about them.

Everyone fight with his/her brother and sister. Even I fight with my sister. But that’s the best part of the relationship. But it shouldn’t be taken seriously. We both fight everyday but we also care about each other a lot. 

I’ve seen many people who don’t like to stay with their siblings and wait for the time either of them will get out. No one gets the brother or sister similar to him/her. But that’s what family is all about. Its you who should change your brother or sister to how you want or change yourself to how your bro or sis wants.  In my family we both sacrificed a lot of each other. I still remembered how much my sister sacrificed for me. Even though we care for each other, we never shown. We fought everyday for more than 18 years. I saddest movement was my sister’s marriage 3 years ago because she left to live in another city with her husband far from us. But still we talk everyday and meet at least once in a month. 

I don’t say that my sister is my best friend because for me brother-sister relationship is bigger than friendship. Some of my friends do the same. They fight with their siblings (every family has this problem). But I don’t know how many of them realize their love towards their siblings later.

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